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London Escort Agency

Welcome to Sensual Touch Massage, a London escort agency that offers you an exclusive and sensual experience for those seeking companionship in the city. We provide incall and outcall services to all areas across the city of London and we boast a great gallery of 22 stunning escorts to choose from. If you are looking for friendly, passionate and professional girls then be sure to get in touch.

Why Should You Choose Us?

  • We have a wide selection of sophisticated and professional escorts​​
  • Strict confidentiality and discreet service for clients
  • 24/7 availability to cater to individual preferences and requirements
  • Customised experiences tailored to the desires and fantasies of each client
  • Professional and reliable agency with a strong reputation in the industry
  • Opportunity to explore and indulge in new and exciting experiences within a safe environment

The History of London Escorts

Early Beginnings

In the late 17th century, London began to see the emergence of "female companions" who provided more than just conversation to their clients. These women were often associated with brothels and taverns, offering their services for a fee. However, it wasn't until the Victorian era that the term "escort" came into use as a euphemism for these companions.

Evolution in the 20th Century

As societal attitudes towards sexuality shifted in the early 20th century, London escorts became more prevalent and accepted. With the advent of telephone directories and later online advertising platforms, finding an escort became easier than ever before. The industry saw significant growth during this time, with agencies springing up all over London to meet demand.

  • In recent years with advancements in technology and changing social norms, the escort industry in London has continued to evolve. Today's escorts offer a wide range of services beyond just physical companionship, including dinner dates, travel companionship, and even professional cuddling services. Despite ongoing debates about its legality and ethics, the world of London escorts remains a thriving and diverse community catering to individuals seeking various forms of intimate connection.

Types of Escorts to Choose From

Choosing from Different Types of Escorts In London

  1. Blondes, Brunettes, and Redheads: Whether you have a preference for blondes with long legs, sultry brunettes with mesmerizing eyes, or fiery redheads with lively personalities, there is a wide selection of hair colors to choose from when selecting your escort in London.
  2. Body Types: From slim and petite to busty and voluptuous, London call girls come in all shapes and sizes. You can find the perfect companion who matches your ideal body type by browsing through the diverse options available.
  3. Specialties: Some escorts specialise in offering tantric massage experiences while others excel at providing adventurous encounters such as role-playing, parties or fetish services. Whatever your desires may be, there is an escort ready to cater to your preferences and fantasies.

Tips for Booking a London Escort

  • Communicate your preferences: Be clear about what you are looking for in an escort to avoid any misunderstandings during the booking process.

  • Set boundaries: Establish boundaries before meeting the escort to ensure that both parties feel comfortable and respected.

Additional Advice

When making a booking, make sure to discuss rates upfront, including any additional services that may incur extra fees. It's also important to prioritize safety by meeting in public places first and trusting your instincts when it comes to choosing the right companion. With these tips in mind, you can have a positive experience while booking an escort in London.

What to Expect During Your Time with a London Escort


  • Professionalism: Our London escorts are highly trained professionals who will treat you with respect and ensure your comfort throughout your time together.
  • Confidentiality: Rest assured that your privacy is our top priority. Your interactions with our escorts will be kept strictly confidential.
  • Personalisation: Every encounter with a girl from our agency is tailored to meet your specific needs and desires, ensuring an unforgettable experience.

The Benefits of Hiring an Escort From Sensual Touch


Enhanced Companionship

Booking from our escort agency offers the benefit of having enhanced companionship. These escorts are skilled at providing engaging conversation and making you feel comfortable and relaxed. Whether you need a date for a social event or simply want someone to spend time, they can provide the companionship you desire.

  • Engaging conversation
  • Comfort and relaxation
  • Social event companion

Professionalism and Discretion

These ladies are known for their professionalism and discretion. They understand the importance of privacy and will always maintain confidentiality. You can trust that your interactions will remain private, allowing you to enjoy their company without worrying about your personal information being shared.

  • Professionalism in all interactions
  • Commitment to confidentiality
  • Privacy assurance

- By Their London Incall -

Bayswater W2

Earls Court SW7

Kensington W8

Knightsbridge SW3

Mayfair W1

South Kensington SW3

Paddington W2

Gloucester Road SW7

Marylebone NW1

If you are looking for five star hotels in London, please read the Sensual Touch Massage guide to recommended establishments dotted throughout the capital. Boutique hotels and other fine London hotels for the affluent that are dotted throughout London.




We Are London's Leading Escort Agency

Welcome to Sensual Touch Massage, a London escort agency that offers you an exclusive and sensual experience for those seeking companionship in the city. We provide incall and outcall services to all areas across the city of London and we boast a great gallery of 22 stuning escorts to choose from. If you are looking for friendly, passionate and professional girls then be sure to get in touch.

Why Should You Choose Us?

  • We have a wide selection of sophisticated and professional escorts​​
  • Strict confidentiality and discreet service for clients
  • 24/7 availability to cater to individual preferences and requirements
  • Customised experiences tailored to the desires and fantasies of each client
  • Professional and reliable agency with a strong reputation in the industry
  • Opportunity to explore and indulge in new and exciting experiences within a safe environment

The History of London Escorts

Early Beginnings

In the late 17th century, London began to see the emergence of "female companions" who provided more than just conversation to their clients. These women were often associated with brothels and taverns, offering their services for a fee. However, it wasn't until the Victorian era that the term "escort" came into use as a euphemism for these companions.

Evolution in the 20th Century

As societal attitudes towards sexuality shifted in the early 20th century, London escorts became more prevalent and accepted. With the advent of telephone directories and later online advertising platforms, finding an escort became easier than ever before. The industry saw significant growth during this time, with agencies springing up all over London to meet demand.

  • In recent years with advancements in technology and changing social norms, the escort industry in London has continued to evolve. Today's escorts offer a wide range of services beyond just physical companionship, including dinner dates, travel companionship, and even professional cuddling services. Despite ongoing debates about its legality and ethics, the world of London escorts remains a thriving and diverse community catering to individuals seeking various forms of intimate connection.

Types of Escorts to Choose From

Choosing from Different Types of Escorts In London

  1. Blondes, Brunettes, and Redheads: Whether you have a preference for blondes with long legs, sultry brunettes with mesmerizing eyes, or fiery redheads with lively personalities, there is a wide selection of hair colors to choose from when selecting your escort in London.
  2. Body Types: From slim and petite to busty and voluptuous, London call girls come in all shapes and sizes. You can find the perfect companion who matches your ideal body type by browsing through the diverse options available.
  3. Specialties: Some escorts specialise in offering tantric massage experiences while others excel at providing adventurous encounters such as role-playing, parties or fetish services. Whatever your desires may be, there is an escort ready to cater to your preferences and fantasies.

Tips for Booking a London Escort

  • Communicate your preferences: Be clear about what you are looking for in an escort to avoid any misunderstandings during the booking process.

  • Set boundaries: Establish boundaries before meeting the escort to ensure that both parties feel comfortable and respected.

Additional Advice

When making a booking, make sure to discuss rates upfront, including any additional services that may incur extra fees. It's also important to prioritize safety by meeting in public places first and trusting your instincts when it comes to choosing the right companion. With these tips in mind, you can have a positive experience while booking an escort in London.

What to Expect During Your Time with an Escort?


  • Professionalism: Our London escorts are highly trained professionals who will treat you with respect and ensure your comfort throughout your time together.
  • Confidentiality: Rest assured that your privacy is our top priority. Your interactions with our escorts will be kept strictly confidential.
  • Personalisation: Every encounter with a girl from our agency is tailored to meet your specific needs and desires, ensuring an unforgettable experience.

The Benefits of Hiring an Escort From Sensual Touch


Enhanced Companionship

Booking from our escort agency offers the benefit of having enhanced companionship. These escorts are skilled at providing engaging conversation and making you feel comfortable and relaxed. Whether you need a date for a social event or simply want someone to spend time, they can provide the companionship you desire.

  • Engaging conversation
  • Comfort and relaxation
  • Social event companion

Professionalism and Discretion

These ladies are known for their professionalism and discretion. They understand the importance of privacy and will always maintain confidentiality. You can trust that your interactions will remain private, allowing you to enjoy their company without worrying about your personal information being shared.

  • Professionalism in all interactions
  • Commitment to confidentiality
  • Privacy assurance

- By Their London Incall -

Bayswater W2

Earls Court SW7

Kensington W8

Knightsbridge SW3

Mayfair W1

South Kensington SW3

Paddington W2

Gloucester Road SW7

Marylebone NW1

If you are looking for five star hotels in London, please read the Sensual Touch Massage guide to recommended establishments dotted throughout the capital. Boutique hotels and other fine London hotels for the affluent that are dotted throughout London.





Before going ahead, please read the following and AGREE to the terms. By agreeing to these terms, you are providing your consent and are signing the agreement electronically You may not link to this page or any page on our site without written permission from the owner.

I DECLARE AND CONFIRM: That I am of at least 18 years of age and that the law in the locality of the country in which I reside it is not illegal to read and publish content of an adult nature on the internet. Our fees are for companionship only. Should anything else occur, it is on the strict understanding that it will be a matter of choice between two consenting adults.


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